SDSU/BHSU Partnership, Samantha Smith and Christina Plemmons

It’s a conundrum that happens too often for college students — transfer schools and credits might not follow. Or, another common discouragement for students: the last few classes that are required for graduation aren’t available next semester. 

These sorts of frustrations are one reason why Samantha Smith was drawn to work in higher education. Now, her role as the program coordinator at the West River Health Science Center (WRHSC) is to make sure those kinds of frustrations don’t happen for nursing students in western South Dakota.

“There’s a giant need for nurses in western South Dakota,” Samantha said. So, nursing students need to have a smooth and efficient way to receive a high-quality education. That’s where the West River Health Science Center comes in. WRHSC is a partnership between Black Hills State University, South Dakota State University and other organizations that have an interest in nursing education. 

Christina Plemmons is the SDSU College of Nursing Assistant Dean for Cooperative Programs. Her story starts in nursing school in Rapid City and circles back to becoming the dean of that same program that trained her. “Through the West River Health Science Center collaboration, Black Hills State and South Dakota State have been able to partner in a way that no other two SDBOR universities have been able to partner,” she said. The unique partnership between these two universities is crucial for the future of the Black Hills region. “Without this partnership, students wouldn’t have an option to complete their entire bachelor’s degree in nursing in western South Dakota,” Christina explained.

As the region grows, so will the health care needs of the people here. Quality nurses aren’t just a luxury — they’re a necessity.  

4300 Cheyenne Blvd
Rapid City, SD 57703

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