Pamela Feehan, AUD, CCC-A, FAAA

Pictured: Pamela Feehan 

incorrectly; others may interpret this as a lack of caring about what they were saying. This starts to isolate us from others. 

When hearing loss interferes with the brain’s ability to understand what is said, our memory can be impacted. It is harder to remember something that doesn’t hold meaning for us. This is one of the reasons hearing loss can lead to earlier onset of dementia. “Recent studies have shown that hearing loss certainly affects memory and is associated with dementia.” 

What can you do if you notice a hearing loss or hearing loss in a family member? Having a professional audiological hearing evaluation by an audiologist, such as Dr. Feehan, is a start to hearing better. A professional evaluation can also provide information about what type of hearing aid would be most helpful. There are so many advanced hearing aids to work with for most any type of hearing loss. Now is the time to start hearing better and participate more with your loved ones. Hearing your grandchild better…priceless. 

30 Knollwood Drive, Suite C, Rapid City, SD 

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